Egretia Lab - platform HTML5 pada blockchain

The Internet is the greatest invention of the 20th century, which really changed the development of mankind.
Internet technology has changed the structure of people's social structures, financial marketing schemes and direct sales, information technology.
Particularly the development of the Internet has changed the distribution system. storage and provision of any information in the global network
There are countless sites, databases, services, and resources that are constantly evolving and acquiring new properties. Notably, this change is seen in the mobile sector, dozens of applications are emerging every day, which increases the various areas of human activity.

Particularly promising for today, the adoption of solutions for HTML5 technologies as cross-platform for promising Internet applications and services.
New technologies are rapidly beating the Internet, mobile games, videos, advertising, and other areas with a total financial turnaround of hundreds of billions of dollars.
Media giant space giants have long since embraced HTML5 technology in their new projects. This is especially evident in the gaming industry.
Facebook has mastered popular games on its social network, which is visited by over a billion people, and Google is introduced in the HTML5 search engine.
In addition, the combination of HTML5 technology with modern economic model based on block chain chain, allows to create unique platform and services.
For example, everyone knows the economic game Cryptocotics (CryptoKitties), which has won worldwide popularity in no time.

As the world's first platform for HTML5 blockchain and ecosystem services, Egretia Lab has teamed up with Egret Technologies to work with the market giants. They combine blockchain technology with existing and proven tools, reaching the necessary agreement with the Internet community and strategic partners to attract 20,000 developers and billions of Egret Technologies mobile users to the blockchain world.

Currently, Egretia Lab has integrated the existing HTML5 technologies and productivity tools to successfully create the world's first technology to create game machines in blockchain. Developers can easily and easily create games in blockchain through the Egretia Lab toolkit and use blockchain to move virtual assets between games. At the same time, Egretia Lab has built four major platforms: distributed communication and storage platforms, game distribution platforms, virtual trading platforms, Egretia ad platforms, and Egretia incubators.

Details about the Egretia Project The Egretia Lab project is a platform that integrates HTML5 technology and a promising blockbuster economy. This symbiosis must correct the major deficiencies of the HTML5 programming language and transform the Internet platform into a new decentralized economic interaction system among the participants. The Egretia Lab project platform is poised to integrate technologies and tools for software developers into the gaming industry.

Essentially, some parts are planned to be built on platforms: information storage, game design, internal trading platforms, marketing systems, Egretia tools.
This section will allow you to create your project or service to many developers, advertisers, providers, and gaming communities.

The use of modern projects on HTML5 technology has revealed a number of drawbacks: the impossibility of expanding participants and the lack of an economic base for interaction between users. In addition, there is no law described on the observation of copyright of ready-made software products, there is no system for the safe and transparent behavior of domestic asset payments.
Such problems are solved by a decentralized platform based on blockbusters and implementation of new HTML5 code that is ideal for solving problems in the gaming industry.

Intelligent coding
The project platform will be able to provide Intelligent Developer Coding Help-Basic
language with intelligent software, which will provide error feedback detection program in real-time, search links, transitions to the definition and
other functions.

Built-in full process of game development:
In the integration of the development environment for visual gaming that can cover the entire development process (design, debugging, publication, packaging) draft platform implemented, resource management, code editing, editing, animation, cloud publishing and other extensions it may be that will make game development become affordable and easy.

Egret Wing IDE and tool interface DragonBones:
Roadmap, pengembangan tim Egretia Blockchain Lab telah menciptakan sejumlah proyek yang menjanjikan dan memiliki pengalaman yang luas di semua bidang, seperti Qualcomm, Adobe, Microsoft, serta ahli di bidang teknologi aplikasi blokcheyn ada keraguan bahwa spesialis tersebut akan dapat menggabungkan dua teknologi HTML5 canggih dan Blokir dan tutupi pasar besar industri game.

Tentang Egret Technology
• Didirikan pada tahun 2014, ia memiliki pusat penelitian di Beijing dan Shanghai. 
• Anggota W3C, secara konstan berkontribusi pada pengembangan standar web. 
• Tim pengembang utama dari Adobe Asia R & D Center, yang memiliki lebih dari 15 tahun 
pengalaman dalam teknologi profesional. 
• Platform pengembangan HTML5 terbesar di pasar Cina 
• Lebih dari 200.000 pengembang di seluruh dunia, HTML5 berjalan di banyak perangkat dan 
mencakup 1 miliar perangkat seluler. 
• Investor perusahaan: GuoJin Capital, Shunwei, XiaoMi dan SIG 
• Perluasan pasar global, studi monetisasi dan model bisnis untuk 
layanan cloud dan data global. 
• Memiliki kemitraan dengan perusahaan-perusahaan terkenal di dunia.
Teknologi Egret secara mandiri mengembangkan lebih dari selusin produk terkenal di dunia. 


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